Sunday, June 17, 2012

In Transit

We're finally moved and now trying to get as settled in as possible.  Unfortunately we're still in transit as we'll have another big move within the next 12 months.

These past few weeks really had D and I talking and thinking if we really wanted to move back to Edmonton or even if we wanted to stay in Alberta or Canada. 

  1. We realized we don't want to move to the States. I really dont want to deal with more immigration stuff on the flip side of D trying to stay down there with me.  So New Mexico is out
  2. We're tired of the rising crime rate in Edmonton.  So moving back to Edmonton became a big fat NO
  3. I miss living on the Coast though moving back to the East Coast is now out for various reasons.
  4. We want somewhere where the lifestyle isn't so money-centric.  A city with a small town feel where we can lead a more mindful life and where we'd want to retire too
  5. Preferably an area I can stay within the same company I work for now. 
So in 12 months we're moving too:

 I'm super excited.  I can job transfer there. D will try and get a job at Costco here so he can also try and put in for a transfer.  Rent is within a below means budget and we found several places there are pet friendly also.  Though we wont be on the side of the Island on the Pacific Ocean its close enough to make me very happy.

To this end, we'll be saving our little hearts out. I wont be joining a gym and instead taking that money I'd be using and banking it.  I'll be doing a lot of walking and biking to make up for it in addition to finishing up C25K and using my fitness dvd's also.  I have enough fitness things to keep me happy and busy and other than getting another pair of running shoes I've stopped spending in that area completely. We'll also be very busy trying to downsize the things we have now since we'll be flying to our final home :) I'm so happy and feeling very calm inside so I know this is a good decision for us.


Much & Healthy Living!!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I'm still here

We're in the midst of a whirlwind move so I'm on  a brief break from pretty much everything until towards the end of next week...

We're moving to the next town over from Edmonton, downsizing for a few months to get back on our feet financially etc..  

I'll be joining a gym there and we'll have out bikes so we'll have a whole new area to explore so I'm quite excited about it too plus they have a HUGE Saturday Farmer's Market that I'm looking forward to going to again.  

So I should be back next Friday:)

Much Love & Healthy Living!!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Inhale, Exhale WTH?

So I'm trying to add some yoga into my weekly fitness routine and well.....its kinda funny. I'm just not flexible yet so places hurt and my breathing sucks...For some reason years ago I started breathing more through my mouth than nose and that is something I need to retrain myself not to do.  I'll adding some guiding meditation to help with.  I really want to be bendy:) So lookout downward dog I WILL conquer you!!

Yoga is something I've always wanted to add to my life so its something I'm really going to work hard at...Yoga and Running :)   Anything else will be gravy.  

I've also fallen in love again with Taos New Mexico and I think after so many years of failed attempts hubby and I will be planning a holiday with Taos being our destination. I think it will be a good place for use to relax and get ourselves balanced. 

Also, for the month of May, my workout total was 1,680 minutes!!  Yayy Me!!:)

Much Love & Healthy Living!!!


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