Friday, June 28, 2013

Long Weekends are for what?

     I have a four day weekend and while part of it will be enjoying outdoors, take a yoga close and trying to clear my body of a bad case of bronchitis, a big chunk will be choosing a domain and host for this blog and exporting it all to a wordpress blog.
     So here is my weekend "battleplan"


  • Have breakfast with the other half 
  • Buy humane mousetraps (my cats are pretty lazy)
  • Take my nephew to the movies
  • Think of a awesome domain name that sums up the direction the blog is going
  • Shop for dinner and get ready for the Farmers Market tomorrow (make a shopping list)


  • AM Yoga  - Consisting of 6 reps of sun salutations and 10 minutes of meditation
  • Farmers Market
  •  Nap
  • Clearing up my hard drive and finding a host for the blog
  • Lunch
  • 10 minutes of quiet reflection/meditation
  • Getting my bike out of the garage and prepping it for the summer and to sell.  

  • Light breakast
  • Yoga at 11:30
  • Work on the blog
  • Nap ( I do love my naps)

Monday I'm undecided but I know it will consist of doing some AM yoga, working on poses and finding a good restorative sequence to do before bed.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

For Realz

I've not been doing to bad. I haven't blogged lately though as my husband had to have surgery twice for having carpal tunnel in both wrist.  Since my last post and now I've found out some things about myself and I have decided to start blogging again in earnest.

First discovery:  My body can be pushed beyond certain limits and survive, even thrive.  I've starting going to a personal trainer once a week and he has made me realize that I am more capable to doing more than I had allowed myself. 

Second discovery: Yoga isn't just some excuse to prance around in lululemon all the time.  I've only gone twice but I'm seriously hooked.  I practice asana's almost everyday at home and I've found that even five minutes of meditation a day is helping me immensely. 

Third discovery: Gluten hates me.   I've still been eating things with gluten but I've become more aware of how much I'm eating and try and eat less.   I'm still having digestive issues but I am hoping eventually I'll be mostly gluten free.  I'm not celiac but there is a suspect that I may have a intolerance there.

Much Love & Namaste


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