Sunday, August 1, 2010

Weigh In

I'm down another 2.4lbs!!! I'm sure I could have lost more in the past month but I'll take any loss for sure:) I haven't even been working out as much as I should have been and though I'm keeping portions down my food choices haven't been as stellar as they could've been either. 

I must also confess that I've gone back to eating shrimp occasionally though I'm trying to keep it at that, occasionally .   I had a feeling shrimp would be my downfall but I only feel the slightest of guilt about it.

This morning for breakfast I had sliced strawberries with some full fat Greek yogurt topped with a 1/2 cup of Kashi cereal.
Lunch will be leftovers from last nights supper-take out pizza
Supper will be roasted vegetables: Carrots,beets,baby potatoes and some chopped onion

Its also D's and mine 9th Anniversary today but I'm not sure if we have any special plans or not. Most likely a day of laundry:D We lead quite the exciting life lol

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