Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sometimes It Pays to be a bit OCD

I admit that sometimes I'm a bit OCD in the way I do certain things. One thing I'm really bad at is colour matching, or in my case, once i fixate on a colour not only do I wear but I use that same colour around the house interior too.  It drives my husband nutty.
I have been lucky that my newest colour obsession, blue, has latest about two years and is going strong.

 I always have my base colours, black and shades of gray, and then my fixation colour which usually is a bright colour for pop.
Another OCD thing that I do which is kinda neat is that whever i see a article of clothing I want i save it in a special folder on my laptop and then sync it to my iTouch.  This way when I'm out shopping if I can't remember what I was looking for I have a visual reference.  Also I use it to find similar items if I'm unable to get the actual item I wanted due to out of stock or not shipping to Canada. 
How to you organize your wishlist? Do you just write it down on paper or do you have another tools that help you when you go shopping?

Much Love & Happy Living!!

1 comment:

Una said...

I have a little ocd when it comes to something I want. I have to make sure I try every version i can get my hands on. You crack me up. I'm so glad i found your blog and thanks for stopping by. LIke the Bike Blog too.


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